Monday, March 9, 2020

Keynote on alcohol use disorder

Alcohol use disorder is a medical term associated with substance abuse with alcohol addiction in particular. It is a common chronic disease that affects the brain and is considered to be highly damaging even to the extent of it being passed down through genes. It is alcohol addiction yet different at many levels. The common signals can include uncontrolled drinking, a decrease in positive thinking and the occurrence of negative thoughts.

The Discovery Institute

There are lots of symptoms linked to alcohol use disorder like alcohol being a place of security and solace. There are many silly yet important symptoms that most people neglect until the case becomes severe.This disorder can have a serious impact on the physical and mental health of the person. AUD is often neglected by people and thought to be minor disease yet it is more than just a minor disease. It is contagious often resulting in creating a negative cycle that involves people around them.

Their short term impacts can be memory loss, hallucinations, hangover, and blackouts. This can disrupt people to have an imbalance in their social and personal life. The Discovery Institute can also lead to serious negative impacts among the different sections of people. From loved ones to those around them. It can lead to uncontrolled violence, anger, and a lot of health complications. The short time impacts it had on people were seen to be memory loss, hangovers, hallucinations, and blackouts.

The Discovery Institute

The long term impacts had a lot of dreadful impacts such as cancer, brain damage, high blood pressure and so much more of health issues. Cirrhosis, the deadly scarring of the liver has caused many lives and is still the single health issue most common in those suffering from alcohol addiction. Rehabilitation centers such as the discovery institute and many others across the world are doing their bid to save people from all the dangers of alcohol addiction. On all levels, prevention of this deadly menace should be averted to save lives.

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